Wildflower Thoughts

 Wildflower Flock 

H E L L O  F R I E N D S !

The past three summers my family and I have camped through wildflower country on our road trips out west. My daughter is now five years old and I have treasured watching her grow as she sticks her nose in those summer flowers. This year in anticipation of their beauty, we had the thought of carrying a small vase with us to arrange bouquets to set on our picnic tables. The idea was confirmed with a surprise gift from our dear chickener friend, Karen, of a simple ceramic vase— the perfect size.

Here are some pictures of our arrangements so far this summer.





I wanted to share a sweet story from a campground we frequent in the Snowy Mountains in southeastern Wyoming. If you ever have the opportunity to visit I would highly recommend doing so. The area is covered with massive amounts of snow through the winter bringing together a blend of my favorite elements of summer camping— fresh air, warming sun, cooling shade, ‘refreshing’ icy mountain streams to remind you that you’re alive, alpine lakes, waterfalls, mountain views, butterflies, chipmunks and everywhere you look… wildflowers.

At the campground, another family with two parents and a young teenage son and daughter camped for several nights. I noticed that they left during the day for mountain adventures and also spent a lot of time at camp. I smiled as I witnessed glimpses of their relationships, especially the mother and daughter duo. Once I saw them dancing down the path towards their campsite, laughing and enjoying a carefree moment together.

One evening I walked past the daughter and noticed a BEAUTIFUL crown of wildflowers draped around her head. All of the flowers of the campground seemed to be represented. I told her I admired her weaving skill and that my daughter and I, too, had been enjoying the flowers. She smiled, took the crown off of her head, handed it to me and said, ‘I want your daughter to have this...’ 

Her precious gesture touched my heart— a whole afternoon project given away in an instant! My daughter, of course, loved the crown and it traveled with us long after the flowers faded. Longer lasting still wilI be the memory of this girls’ spontaneous generosity and her gift of beauty to us.

The City Girl Farm community is filled with people who live generously and celebrate such moments of beauty. Everyone involved— our artisans, collectors and supporters— seem to share my sense of childlike enjoyment in the Chicken Footstools that we create. Thank you all for the immeasurable ways that you enrich my life. May the work of our hands continue to add more joy and beauty and generosity into the world!

> Sally & thecgf studio


  • Hello Teresa, thank you for your interest, these chickens have been adopted. For chickens available please refer to our Adopt A Chicken page here on the website.

    The City Girl Farm
  • Are you selling these? I dont see prices anywhere.

  • I love all of your girls. Thank you for sharing so many stories about them. You have a very special gift and I sense a loving, adventurous spirit.
    I wish you many more trips (and chickens)!

  • Your camping adventure story just took me away. I felt was I right next to you as you described your vacation. Wildflowers are my favorite. Colorful, wispy, delicate. What a nice act of kindness on the part of sharing ones beautiful work with another. That’s exactly what you do with your beautiful chicken footstools. You bring SMILES to peoples faces. Thank you for your God given GIFT.

    Sharon Watson
  • Unexpected adventures & encounters are the lifelong happiness & memories we always remember and cherish.


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